Please find below some frequently asked questions surrounding the format of the event. If there are any additional questions that you have, please feel free to contact us.
Do I have to attend all the presentations?
Yes. We work very closely with you to ensure your experience is as relevant as possible. We ask you to stay for all the presentations in order to generate the most value for all attendees
Will sponsor presentations be made available after the event?
Yes, Portfolio Adviser will make all presentations available to attendees on the event website.
Do I have to pay anything?
No – Portfolio Adviser events are complimentary to attend.
Can I pay for additional delegates to attend?
No. Portfolio Adviser does not issue tickets for the forum, but selects attendees specifically. Fund selectors interested in joining the event are welcome to contact us for consideration.
Who attends?
The events Portfolio Adviser organises are all designed to give professional fund investors the latest insight into different asset classes. Relevant titles include:
- Fund selectors
- Wealth managers
- CIOs
- CEOs
- Researchers
- Fund analysts
- Portfolio managers
Do I have an allocated seat during the sessions?
No. It will be free seating.